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Clearway Health Helps Healthcare Leaders Plan, Launch and Optimize Cell and Gene Therapy Programs

Clearway Health
September 30, 2024

“Emerging novel cell and gene therapies allow for the possibility of untethering patients from a lifetime of burdensome, costly chronic care with a single treatment,” explains Alex Pham, PharmD, vice president of client strategy at Clearway Health in his recent Chief Healthcare Executive viewpoint article on ‘Six steps healthcare leaders should consider before launching a cell and gene therapy program.’ Clearway Health works with hospitals and health systems to plan, launch and optimize cell and gene therapy programs.

Cell and Gene Therapy Expanded Service Model

With the exponential rise of cell and gene therapy, we have expanded our service model to support hospitals and health systems in enabling access to breakthrough gene therapies. Our expert services help organizations access gene therapies and accelerate the payer, legal and procurement pathways. We first implemented our expanded cell and gene therapy services at Children's National Hospital in Washington, D.C. as they treated their first pediatric patient with ZYNTEGLO, a one-time, potentially curative gene therapy treatment for transfusion-dependent beta-thalassemia, a rare blood disorder requiring regular red blood cell transfusions. And, we have since helped Children’s National Hospital plan, access and receive coverage for additional gene and cell therapies such as delandistrogene moxeparvovec-rokl (Elevidys, SareptaTherapeutics) for the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy and LYFGENIA(ZYNTEGLO) for the treatment of sickle cell disease.

Cell and Gene Therapy Workshop at NASP for Healthcare Leaders

This Sunday, October 6, Clearway Health will sponsor a cell and gene therapy workshop at the National Association of Specialty Pharmacy Annual Meeting and Expo (NASP) in Nashville, TN. The comprehensive one-day workshop will allow healthcare leader attendees from around the country to review the FDA pipeline of pending and approved products, explore the uniqueness of the cell and gene therapy patient experience and ways to elevate the patient journey, examine payment models and unique benefit designs and discuss the leading role for specialty pharmacy in an interdisciplinary care model through a combination of roundtable, panel discussions and speaker led sessions. Alex will be on a panel discussing current practices to demonstrate value in cell and gene therapy programs. Clearway Health will also present eight publication peer-reviewed abstracts at this year’s conference.

Clearway Health is proud of the work we are doing to improve the lives of patients with rare and complex diseases by helping health systems offer the most innovative treatments. This is an exciting and innovative time in the field of specialty pharmacy and at Clearway Health, and we look forward to the discussions at NASP next week, and continuing our work in cell and gene therapies with our client partners.

To read Alex’s full article on ‘Six steps healthcare leaders should consider before launching a cell and gene therapy program, click here.

Clearway Health
1 Boston Medical Center Place
Boston, MA 02118