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Clearway Health in the News: 2023

Clearway Health
February 6, 2024

Clearway Health news was featured in business, healthcare and pharmacy publications in 2023. Read how our company continues to grow and gain ground in the specialty pharmacy health care system space. Highlighted below are news placements featuring conference presentations, thought leadership bylines, hospital partnership announcements, exective moves and more.                 

1) The Synergy, Benefits of 340B and Specialty Pharmacy for Patient and Safety Net Hospitals

Alexander Pham, VP of Client Strategy at Clearway Health talked about the benefits of specialty pharmacy for patients at this year's Asembia 2023 Specialty Pharmacy Summit in Vegas today. Pham used a particular example of benefitting patients in safety net hospitals to specialty pharmacy services through the collaboration between Clearway Health and OU Health.

OU Health was once in a tough spot financially, Pham said, and with Clearway Health, they were able to build a special pharmacy program, alleviate that financial burden, improve their services including their pharmaceutical benefits, and focus more on patient outcomes and medication adherence.

(Managed Healthcare Executive

2) The Invaluable Role a Clinical Pharmacist Brings to an Ambulatory Care Setting

Ambulatory pharmacy represents a critical, yet sometimes overlooked, aspect of patient care. When a patient is prescribed a specialty medication, the pathway to getting that medication is often marked with many obstacles. An ambulatory pharmacist’s role is to help patients navigate this path and ensure they are getting the care they need.

(Pharmacy Times)

3) Hospitals and Health Systems Realize Growth Advantage of a Specialty Pharmacy Partnership

 Over the last few years, more hospitals and health systems across the country are realizing the advantage of working with a partner focused on accelerating the growth of their specialty pharmacy. A specialty pharmacy partner helps build or strengthen an existing specialty pharmacy program, improve access to care and manage the complex medication needs of patient populations. In doing so, they help hospitals and health systems create new revenue opportunities with a healthier bottom line.

(MedCity News)

4) Clearway Health is working with The Brooklyn Hospital Center to help improve access to specialty pharmacy drugs for underserved patients 

Clearway Health is working with The Brooklyn Hospital Center to help improve access to specialty pharmacy drugs for underserved patients, Clearway Health said on Aug. 2. The company, which partners with hospitals and health systems to build or improve their own specialty pharmacy programs, said it will help the hospital by broadening its services, decreasing patients’ financial responsibilities, improving patient adherence and boosting clinical outcomes.

(AISHealth- Radar on Specialty Pharmacy)

(Becker’s Hospital Review)

(RX Insider)

5) ‘It’s never too late to start’: How a supported journey in specialty pharmacy services transforms hospital + health system finances and care delivery

Over the last few years, “doing more with less” has become a mantra for most hospitals and health systems. Many are now looking at specialty pharmacy services as a way to strengthen their financial portfolios, reduce administrative burden and deliver more patient-centered care.

Becker’s Hospital Review recently spoke with Allison Arant, senior vice president of client development and marketing at Clearway Health, about how specialty pharmacy services can support care coordination and management, community and public health and stronger contribution margins.

(Becker’s Hospital Review)

6) Clearway Health Marks Anniversary; Bolsters Specialty Pharmacy Accelerator Capabilities to Drive Company Growth

Clearway Health, a specialty pharmacy accelerator partnering with hospitals and health systems to build and strengthen programs that improve access to care, marked its anniversary this week.

(RX Insider)

7) People on the Move

Robert Voreyer, MBA, has been named chief financial officer of Clearway Health, a specialty pharmacy accelerator partnering with hospitals and health systems to build and strengthen medication access. With more than 25 years of experience as a CFO, investor, capital markets professional and board member, Voreyer will lead Clearway Health’s fiscal and growth strategy.

(Modern Healthcare)

(Crain’s New York Business)

(Fierce Healthcare)

(Healthcare Business Today)

8) Specialty Pharmacy Partnership Can Be Fertile Ground

Patients in Oklahoma receive specialty fertility medications more quickly and at less cost than they did before, thanks to a two-year partnership between OU Health University of Oklahoma Medical Center and Clearway Health, a Boston-based consultancy that helps health systems strengthen their specialty pharmacy offerings.

(Pharmacy Practice News)

(Specialty Pharmacy Continuum)

Clearway Health
1 Boston Medical Center Place
Boston, MA 02118